Home Schooling Based on Sound, Music, Geometry and Vibration
• Over 500 exercises for all age groups – 3 months to 18 years
• Created by 24 of the top Instructors from a Sound Healing College • Based on the latest science from 30 books on brain development for children at different levels of development
With the overall goal of getting them in their body:
1. Connected to Self
2. Connected to Others
3. Connected to Nature and the Universe
5 Tracks
Each Track is progressive and develops over 18 years.
The younger years are all experiential.
The older years are about understanding and utilizing what they experienced in the younger years.
If not starting from the beginning (as a baby) the experiental exercises are incorporated and age appropriate.
Rollover with your Mouse to see Detailed Information
Physics of Vibration
The basis of how it all works at all levels of reality. Each child eventually builds his own instrument.
Instrument Sounds
Experiencing all Sounds as a way of building the widest neural pathways in the brain as possible, and as a way of understanding different cultures.
Not in order to be a musician, but as a way of understanding the Universe and the body Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually.
Sacred Geometry
Understanding the archetypal geometrical patterns that make up all aspects of nature and the body.
Emotional Expression
How to express one’s self with sound and the voice as we once did perfectly as babies.

The Sound Healing Research Foundation received a $100,000 Grant to develop this curriculum for 2 Montessori schools in California. The exercises were developed over 3 years with a large team.
Montessori exercises are developed to create an atmosphere in which the child or student finds the answer to the lesson on their own.
Many of the exercises have been implemented in the schools with profoundly effective outcomes.
All of the exercises have been developed and written out in fine detail so that parents with no training can do the exercises with their children.
- Create a state of peace and calmness in the
body, mind and emotions - Create a consistent tone in the body, mind and emotions
- Create a consistent rhythm in the body, mind and emotions
- Improve the ability to be present
- Provide a wide spectrum of vibration
- Develop smooth flow in the body, mind and emotions
- Develop Musicality
- Develop and refine ear to voice imitation (call and response)
Refinement of the 5 Senses –
Neuroplasticity of the Sensory System
- Stimulate the auditory and visual systems
- Develop auditory and visual discrimination
- Develop auditory-visual integration
- Develop sound localization and auditory tracking
- Develop auditory discrimination of short duration sounds
- Develop volume perception
- Develop auditory-motor coordination
- Stimulate the vestibular system
Emotional Connection
- Develop healthy expression of emotions
- Develop ability to manage stress
- Develop ability to deal with challenges & conflicts
- Develop conflict resolution skills
- Develop ability to create peace
- Provide attachment and bonding
- Provide sensory novelty
- Provide synchrony
- Provide opportunity for physical movement
- Enhance non-verbal communication
- Appreciate stillness in the silence
Physical Connection
- Create connection to the body –
Sense of space, gravity, timing, rhythm - Understand and create more connections
to the physical and natural world - Stimulate the body with a consistent rhythm
- Provide opportunity for physical movement
- Isolate and materialize abstract concepts
related to the auditory system - Isolate and materialize abstract concepts
related to geometry
With Research and Assumptions
Every exercise is based upon Research and Assumptions from:
• 30 of the latest books in the field around brain development and
learning for children at different age groups
• Over 20 years of Research and Experience at the College of Sound Therapy
• 20 instructors working in the field of sound and vibration for full lifetimes
• Teachings, curriculum development, and wisdom of Maria Montessori
Every exercise shows the exact references of one or more of these Research and Assumptions.
Rollover with your mouse to see the details of the Research and Assumptions below.
Overall Connection
Coherence – Consistent Tones
Consistency – Consistent Rhythms
Interpersonal Synchrony
Self Expression
Connection to the Natural World
Smooth Flow
Emotional Connection
Mental Connection
Emotional Engagement
Emotional Stability
Healthy Emotional Expression
Emotional Awareness
Confidence and Self-esteem
Brainwave Entrainment
Focus and Concentration
Whole Brain Synchronization
Creative Thinking
Speech and Language Skills
Analytical Skills
Physical & Spiritual Connection
Sensory Refinement
Body Awareness
Vestibular Stimulation
Motor Coordination
Auditory – Motor Coordination
Visual – Motor Coordination
Breath Awareness
Spiritual Connection – Group Synchrony
Spiritual Connection: Intention
Spiritual Connection: Spiritual Awareness
Spiritual Connection: Cultural Awareness
Spatial Awareness
Auditory Awareness and Stimulation
Temporal Awareness
Auditory-Visual Integration
Multisensory Integration
Full Spectrum Auditory Stimulation
Auditory Discrimination
Example of an Exercise
Exercise Example for 3-6 Year Olds

It’s about being at Peace no matter what.
Peace is a frequency humming consistently. Any sound healing instrument (crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, tuning forks) create stable consistent vibrations. The best is the voice. Every vowel creates a coherent peaceful vibration.
Consistent rhythms also create stability and peace and are proven scientifically to help brain development in the young ones.
Peace Physically creates better health and more capacity.
Peace Mentally creates more focus and ability to access multi-sensory awareness (seeing the trees and forest at the same time).
Peace Emotionally creates more stable emotions and ability to handle stressful emotional situations.
Peace Spiritually creates more ability to connect to the stable vibrations of nature and the Universe. It also includes the stable energies (and sound) of gratitude, compassion, love and joy — to mention a few.
Allow Your Children to
Grow in an Organic Way
It’s about reconnecting to the patterns in nature that we are a part of.
Everything is vibration. When you understand the Universe based on the laws of vibration as explained in physics you have a more grounded connection to it all. You are also are able to work in alignment with the laws of nature for better health, creativity, productivity and even relationships.
First the children experience all of the mathematical patterns in Sound, Music and Geometry physically and emotionally. Later the students gain a mental understanding of what they have experienced as a young ones and then learn how to use this understanding to be creative and help change the world.
It’s about being able to express emotions freely.
We are born as professional sound healers. As a baby, if you have anything going on, you naturally let it go with a sound (wahh!!!). Then around 2 or so we begin to hear “shhhhh!!!. Then when we get into school it is “no more sound” and we lose that God given ability that we were born with. And, we then have to learn how to express ourselves freely once again.
It is critical to be able to express how you are feeling for many reasons: health, wealth and relationships. Students learn how to release stuck emotions with sound. Also, when you express a positive emotion with sound it creates a bigger resonant field that affects the body, mind, Spirit and World in a stronger way.

Ongoing Development
Over 500 exercises ready to go. Over 2000 in development.
Ultimately, this will be a complete curriculum that is progressive from 3 months all the way through 18 years old. We’ve already seen dramatic results with the children with the current results. Just imagine a child who goes through the whole curriculum over 18 years — Connected to Self, Connected to Others, Connected to Nature and the Universe — Healthy, Happy and Creative.

Feedback from Montessori Instructors
– The children were attentive regardless of age and some children participated vocally.
– Children were actively engaged and able to mirror with a level of accuracy.
– The slowness and simplicity seemed to draw them in.
– Children like to be engaged in movement. Many could clap along to a song or even stamp their feet. For those who couldn’t I would sing while clapping their hands or even tapping their feet.
– Their favorite activity of all was to play a rhythm while “dancing” their bodies along to it. I would stand them up and support them in jumping and shimmying alternately in response to the song. Many of them would crawl over to get their turn in this game.
– The consistent repetition of the lessons/activities was important. At some point in the year, some of the children would anticipate the next activity and start doing it before I started! The children are now so excited and can’t wait to do the sound exercises.
– Even when the young ones did not make the sounds you could see they were completely engaged. Often over even two weeks of doing the exercises they would be making sound freely.
– Have you ever seen a room full of 3-6 year olds completely still. Something to behold.
– The learning environment has completely changed. After doing the sound exercises the children are more calm and focused.

What if I am afraid to make sound as a parent?
We do have exercises for warming up your voice. We also have workshops for parents to open your voice.
Do I have to be a singer or musician?
No. The truth is all of us sing as we speak. That’s all you need.
Is there any science behind this?
We have studied the top 30 books on brain development for children at different ages. Every exercise is based on this information and is referenced. There is also now a large amount of research around how sound affects us at all levels of reality.
What is Sound Healing?
Sound Healing is the study of how sound and vibration affects us physically, mentally, emotionally and Spiritually. The term Healing is misnomer. It is used for healing but also for accessing higher and more stable states of consciousness, as well as for better sleep, creativity, focus and to overcome ADD/ADHD.
What if my child doesn't like the exercises?
You can download many exercises for free. We also offer a full refund within a month after you receive the exercises.
How much work is this?
Just a little bit collecting the materials and getting ready to do the exercise. From there it is a whole lot of fun!
I see some of the exercises are for groups. I only have one child.
All group exercises can be done with only you and the child.
Do you provide tech support or training?
Not with the free exercises. Once you purchase a package we do provide support. We also offer classes and even a full Certificate Program for parents if you might be interested.
All Exercises Based on Age Group
Download the free exercises, or purchase packages of exercises
3 – 18 Months
21 Exercises
Safety guidelines are included with the download.
It is not recommended to use any sound in the womb and to be extremely careful under 3 months.
Track 2 – Instruments and Sounds – Only a couple of exercises on playing a crystal bowl with safety guidelines.
Track 3 – Music – CDs to Listen to — A baby soundtrack for creating the widest range of neuropathways possible.
Track 5 – Connecting to your child emotionally with sound. Creating consistent brainwaves of peace for optimal brain and body development.

3 - 18 Months - 21 Exercises
All 21 Exercises – $35
18 Months – 3 Years
76 Exercises
Track 1 – Physics of Sound – Simple and fun exercises for identifying different types of common sounds
Track 2 – Instruments and Sounds – Listening to Crystal Bowls and particularly the silence at the end of the fade
Track 3 – Music – Simple movement to a variety of rhythms
Track 4 – Geometry – The circle as a sense of place and self and spatial relationships for harmony. Number of people in a group for working together. Matching natural patterns in nature to 2D cards.
Track 5 – Emotional Expression – Working with affirmations and rhythm. Sound hugs and loving yourself with sound. Making consistent tones and rhythms with all of the vowels and consonants. Doing simple movements paired with vocal sounds.

18 Months - 3 Years
All 76 Exercises – $128
3 – 6 Years
215 Exercises
Track 2 – Instruments and Sounds – Listening to Playing Crystal Bowls
Track 3 – Music – Doing body percussion to rhythms ranging from very simple to quite complex. Tapping the rhythms on a sacred geometry grid. Creative expression of these rhythms with all of the vowels and consonants.
Track 4 – Geometry – How to use a compass. Drawing simple to quite complex geometries and coloring complex mosaics. Measuring the Golden Mean in the body. Nature’s Patterns Scavenger Hunt – Finding archetypal geometric patterns in nature. Counting spirals in plants. Finding all patterns in the Flower of Life. The circle as a sense of place and self and spatial relationships for harmony. Number of people in a group for working together.
Track 5 – Emotional Expression – Sound hugs and loving yourself with sound. Making consistent tones and rhythms with all of the vowels and consonants. Coming up with creative combinations of vowels and consonants. Doing complex movements paired with vocal sounds. Expressing emotions with sound. Making the sound of how you are feeling.

3 - 6 Years - 217 Exercises
Free – 30 Exercises
First Half – 137 Exercises – $175
Second Half – 78 Exercises – $150 (must have purchased the 1st half previously)
All 215 Exercises – $288
6-12 Years
129 Exercises
Track 2 – Instruments and Sounds – Listening to Playing Crystal Bowls
Track 3 – Music – Doing body percussion to very complex rhythms. Coming up with creative rhythms using sacred geometry grids. Creative musical composition on a sacred geometry grid. Creative expression of these rhythms with all of the vowels and consonants. Playing with rhythms found in nature. Performing a concert with simple instruments and voice.
Track 4 – Geometry – How to use a compass. Drawing very complex geometries. Measuring the Golden Mean in the body. Nature’s Patterns Scavenger Hunt – Finding archetypal geometric patterns in nature. Counting spirals in plants. Finding all patterns in the Flower of Life. Method for immediately identifying common archetypal patterns.
Track 5 – Emotional Expression – Sound hugs and loving yourself with sound. Making consistent tones and rhythms with all of the vowels and consonants. Coming up with creative combinations of vowels and consonants. Doing complex movements paired with vocal sounds. Expressing detailed emotions with sound. Making the sound of how you are feeling.
6 - 12 Years
Free – 26 Exercises
All 129 Exercises – $188
12-18 Years
129 Exercises
Track 2 – Instruments and Sounds – Listening to Playing Crystal Bowls
Track 3 – Music – Doing body percussion to very complex rhythms. Coming up with creative rhythms using sacred geometry grids. Creative musical composition on a sacred geometry grid. Creative expression of these rhythms with all of the vowels and consonants. Playing with rhythms found in nature. Performing a concert with simple instruments and voice.
Track 4 – Geometry – How to use a compass. Drawing very complex geometries. Measuring the Golden Mean in the body. Nature’s Patterns Scavenger Hunt – Finding archetypal geometric patterns in nature. Counting spirals in plants. Finding all patterns in the Flower of Life. Method for immediately identifying common archetypal patterns.
Track 5 – Emotional Expression – Sound hugs and loving yourself with sound. Making consistent tones and rhythms with all of the vowels and consonants. Coming up with creative combinations of vowels and consonants. Doing complex movements paired with vocal sounds. Expressing detailed emotions with sound. Making the sound of how you are feeling.
12 - 18 Years
Free – 26 Exercises
All 129 Exercises – $188